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Gas Fireplace Insert Electrical Requirements

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If you have an older gas fireplace insert, it likely does not need electrical hook-up since the pilot light is probably lit and at the ready at all times. However, more recently built inserts, have an energy-conscious design with an intermittent ignition system which means electricity is used through a remote control system to spark the pilot flame each time you want to use your fireplace. This design saves fuel as the pilot light is only lit on an as needed basis. Additional features include:
  • Timed burning: This feature allows you to set the length of time the unit will burn, turning off the flame when the time expires.
  • Remote controlled fan speed: Just as you can control the pilot light with a remote, you can also control the speed of the fan with your remote.
  • Child Lock: The remote comes with a child lock for safety purposes, ensuring that children cannot light the fireplace without adult supervision.
  • Battery Back-up: While the fireplace primarily runs on electricity is does have a battery back-up which allows you to use your fireplace even during a power outage.

GasFireplaceIf you ever experience issues with your remote, you may need to reset it. This simple process involves removing the front of the fireplace insert and using a paper clip or other small object to push a button which synchronizes the system with the remote.

If you are thinking of replacing your old gas fireplace with a newer, more efficient version, our expert team at HVACDirect is here to help. Here are a few common questions and answers regarding installing a gas fireplace insert: Q: Can I install the fireplace insert on my own? A: Ultimately, installing a gas fireplace insert is not a do-it-yourself job. To ensure safety, a gas line installer and an electrician are needed to complete set-up. Q: Will I need to perform extensive renovations on my home to add a gas fireplace insert? A: Contrary to common assumptions about adding fireplace inserts, remodeling is not usually necessary. There may be some replacement parts needed such as a new cap on the outside chimney or additional connections if there is already a gas line in the home, but these are minimal changes. Q: What are my options for electrical plug-ins/switches? A: Depending on your space and the fireplace insert that you buy you do have configuration options such as installing an on/off switch on the wall near the fireplace or adding an outlet in the back of the existing space and plugging the unit in before installation of the insert. Q: How long does installation take? A: The task of installing a gas fireplace takes less than a day - usually around six hours. For any other questions, please contact us at HVACDirect. Our friendly and experienced staff can help you decide which insert matches your space and needs.  
January 23, 2019
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